如下所示,Jlink SW 下载一次后再下载就连接不上了,导致下载不了,有没有人遇到过,是不是哪里设置导致的
开始下载程序:2020-01-19 16:16:17
C:\RT-ThreadStudio>”C:/Program Files (x86)/SEGGER/JLink_V622d/JLink.exe” -device STM32F103ZE -ExitOnError -CommanderScript C:\RT-ThreadStudio\workspace/.metadata/Temp/rtthread_download_init.jlink
SEGGER J-Link Commander V6.22d (Compiled Dec 14 2017 18:33:22)
DLL version V6.22d, compiled Dec 14 2017 18:32:44
J-Link Commander will now exit on Error
Script file read successfully.
Processing script file…
J-Link connection not established yet but required for command.
Connecting to J-Link via USB…O.K.
Firmware: J-Link V9 compiled Dec 1 2017 14:40:21
Hardware version: V9.40
S/N: 59425868
License(s): RDI, GDB, FlashDL, FlashBP, JFlash, RDDI
VTref = 3.306V
Selecting SWD as current target interface.
Device “STM32F103ZE” selected.
Selecting 1000 kHz as target interface speed
Target connection not established yet but required for command.
Device “STM32F103ZE” selected.
Connecting to target via SWD
Found SW-DP with ID 0x1BA01477
Found SW-DP with ID 0x1BA01477
Scanning AP map to find all available APs
AP[1]: Stopped AP scan as end of AP map has been reached
AP[0]: AHB-AP (IDR: 0x14770011)
Iterating through AP map to find AHB-AP to use
AP[0]: Core found
AP[0]: AHB-AP ROM base: 0xE00FF000
CPUID register: 0x411FC231. Implementer code: 0x41 (ARM)
Found Cortex-M3 r1p1, Little endian.
FPUnit: 6 code (BP) slots and 2 literal slots
CoreSight components:
ROMTbl[0] @ E00FF000
ROMTbl[0][0]: E000E000, CID: B105E00D, PID: 001BB000 SCS
ROMTbl[0][1]: E0001000, CID: B105E00D, PID: 001BB002 DWT
ROMTbl[0][2]: E0002000, CID: B105E00D, PID: 000BB003 FPB
ROMTbl[0][3]: E0000000, CID: B105E00D, PID: 001BB001 ITM
ROMTbl[0][4]: E0040000, CID: B105900D, PID: 001BB923 TPIU-Lite
ROMTbl[0][5]: E0041000, CID: B105900D, PID: 101BB924 ETM-M3
Cortex-M3 identified.
Reset delay: 0 ms
Reset type NORMAL: Resets core & peripherals via SYSRESETREQ & VECTRESET bit.
Reset: Halt core after reset via DEMCR.VC_CORERESET.
Reset: Reset device via AIRCR.SYSRESETREQ.
PC = 0800014C, CycleCnt = 00000000
R0 = 00000000, R1 = 0007E635, R2 = 0007E5C7, R3 = 20002680
R4 = 08003CB8, R5 = 08003CB8, R6 = 13EB16AD, R7 = F66F9DDC
R8 = FFFFFFFF, R9 = FFDFFDFF, R10= EFF4C47F, R11= 19AFAF79
R12= 00000200
SP(R13)= 20004B28, MSP= 20004B28, PSP= F6B8F774, R14(LR) = FFFFFFFF
XPSR = 01000000: APSR = nzcvq, EPSR = 01000000, IPSR = 000 (NoException)
CFBP = 00000000, CONTROL = 00, FAULTMASK = 00, BASEPRI = 00, PRIMASK = 00
FPU regs: FPU not enabled / not implemented on connected CPU.
Downloading file [E:\RT-Thread-Studio\QD-S2000DriveBoard\Debug tthread.bin]…
J-Link: Flash download: Bank 0 @ 0x08000000: 1 range affected (57344 bytes)
J-Link: Flash download: Total time needed: 1.993s (Prepare: 0.096s, Compare: 0.023s, Erase: 0.205s, Program: 1.644s, Verify: 0.008s, Restore: 0.014s)
Reset delay: 0 ms
Reset type NORMAL: Resets core & peripherals via SYSRESETREQ & VECTRESET bit.
Reset: Halt core after reset via DEMCR.VC_CORERESET.
Reset: Reset device via AIRCR.SYSRESETREQ.
Script processing completed.
执行完毕, 耗时:8357ms.
Download Start Address: 0x08000000
开始下载程序:2020-01-19 16:19:31
C:\RT-ThreadStudio>”C:/Program Files (x86)/SEGGER/JLink_V622d/JLink.exe” -device STM32F103ZE -ExitOnError -CommanderScript C:\RT-ThreadStudio\workspace/.metadata/Temp/rtthread_download_init.jlink
SEGGER J-Link Commander V6.22d (Compiled Dec 14 2017 18:33:22)
DLL version V6.22d, compiled Dec 14 2017 18:32:44
J-Link Commander will now exit on Error
Script file read successfully.
Processing script file…
J-Link connection not established yet but required for command.
Connecting to J-Link via USB…O.K.
Firmware: J-Link V9 compiled Dec 1 2017 14:40:21
Hardware version: V9.40
S/N: 59425868
License(s): RDI, GDB, FlashDL, FlashBP, JFlash, RDDI
VTref = 3.308V
Selecting SWD as current target interface.
Device “STM32F103ZE” selected.
Selecting 1000 kHz as target interface speed
Target connection not established yet but required for command.
Device “STM32F103ZE” selected.
Connecting to target via SWD
STM32 (connect): Can not attach to CPU. Trying connect under reset.
STM32 (connect): Can not attach to CPU. Trying connect under reset.
** Error: STM32: Connecting to CPU via connect under reset failed.
STM32 (connect): Can not attach to CPU. Trying connect under reset.
STM32 (connect): Can not attach to CPU. Trying connect under reset.
** Error: STM32: Connecting to CPU via connect under reset failed.
Cannot connect to target.
Script processing completed.
执行完毕, 耗时:7304ms.
大佬图看不到了啊 怎么办啊